Music, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation

1024 576 Jigyasa Gulati

A place like Jammu and Kashmir where most of the population suffers from various mental health issues as a result of the ongoing unrest, music could provide a way forward. Jammu and Kashmir with its unique blend of musical influence from Central Asia, near East and the West, holds a rich culture of Sufiana Mausiqi. The melodies of Rabab, Santoor, Surnai, Sitar, Tumbaknari, and Noot are praised worldwide. Amid all the chaos and conflict in the former state, music has always found its place. In such a context, mixing music with peacebuilding approaches could prove an effective intervention catering to the general and mental health needs, healing, and, developing a culture of peace among the community. The paper discusses the potential of music in peacebuilding and sheds light on the current state of music in the erstwhile state. Moreover, it offers certain policy recommendations to incorporate music-based approaches for the well-being of the people.


Jigyasa Gulati

Jigyasa has been working with various national and international non-profit organizations in the field of peacebuilding, humanitarian action, women empowerment, and youth engagement. Jigyasa holds a MA in Conflict Analysis and Peacebuilding from NMCPCR, Jamia Millia Islamia, and a Bachelors in Political Science from IPCW, Delhi University. She seeks to bridge the gap between the peace and security paradigm with her diverse areas of interest consisting of public policy, gender issues, violent extremism, global nuclear issues, youth engagement, and peacebuilding.


Jigyasa Gulati

Jigyasa has been working with various national and international non-profit organizations in the field of peacebuilding, humanitarian action, women empowerment, and youth engagement. Jigyasa holds a MA in Conflict Analysis and Peacebuilding from NMCPCR, Jamia Millia Islamia, and a Bachelors in Political Science from IPCW, Delhi University. She seeks to bridge the gap between the peace and security paradigm with her diverse areas of interest consisting of public policy, gender issues, violent extremism, global nuclear issues, youth engagement, and peacebuilding.

More work by: Jigyasa Gulati

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