Iranian apple imports in India: A serious issue that needs dealing with

1024 683 Jigyasa Gulati
Apple Cultivation in Jammu and Kashmir India, considered the fruit and vegetable basket of the world, is the second-largest producer of apples with
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Jigyasa Gulati

Jigyasa has been working with various national and international non-profit organizations in the field of peacebuilding, humanitarian action, women empowerment, and youth engagement. Jigyasa holds a MA in Conflict Analysis and Peacebuilding from NMCPCR, Jamia Millia Islamia, and a Bachelors in Political Science from IPCW, Delhi University. She seeks to bridge the gap between the peace and security paradigm with her diverse areas of interest consisting of public policy, gender issues, violent extremism, global nuclear issues, youth engagement, and peacebuilding.

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