China’s Evolving Role in Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Analysis of Foreign Policy, Sino-American Competition, and post-US Exit Strategies

1024 576 Ujjawal Upadhyay

This study examines China’s foreign policy toward Afghanistan in the context of Sino-American competition and the post-US exit situation. The purpose of this academic study is to demonstrate how Afghanistan, initially considered an insignificant international preference, has progressively become militarily vital for China over the past few years. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate China’s future foreign policy in Afghanistan, exploring whether Beijing will fully assume the burden as the United States did or employ an alternative strategy.

The research paper comprises four components. The initial part discusses the rationale behind the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, viewed through the lens of growing Sino-U.S. competition. The following section details the extent of Taliban control, along with the socioeconomic and political landscape in post-US exit Afghanistan. The third segment examines China’s expanding presence in Afghanistan, evolving from its previously impoverished international status to an entity with strategic significance, particularly in energy pursuits. The final segment addresses the challenges China faces in Afghanistan.

Ujjawal Upadhyay

Ujjawal Upadhyay is an analyst and researcher with a specialization in Defence Studies. For several years, his academic interests have been focused on comprehending and honing skills in the domain of Military Strategy, and he has successfully contributed in full capacity at various think tanks. Currently, he is engaged with HQ IDS in various capacities.


Ujjawal Upadhyay

Ujjawal Upadhyay is an analyst and researcher with a specialization in Defence Studies. For several years, his academic interests have been focused on comprehending and honing skills in the domain of Military Strategy, and he has successfully contributed in full capacity at various think tanks. Currently, he is engaged with HQ IDS in various capacities.

More work by: Ujjawal Upadhyay

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