Research Articles

Cultural Diplomacy in International Relations
785 482 Alina Jacob

INTRODUCTION In the most intrinsic and intricate Internal relations web, Diplomacy has been a key component whether it is to maintain peace, strengthen unity, or soothe discord among nations. While…

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Global warming and European security: Environmental challenges in defence and homeland security
1024 681 Anamitra Banerjee

The threats posed by rising temperatures to global peace and security are becoming increasingly apparent worldwide. Governments across Europe and elsewhere are growing more conscious of the challenges associated with…

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Increased spending on essential minerals: A key driver for meeting climate commitments
600 350 Anamitra Banerjee

This research paper explores the complex dynamics of mineral demand in the context of the global shift towards a low-carbon economy. The study categorizes minerals into cross-cutting and specialized categories,…

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China’s Evolving Role in Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Analysis of Foreign Policy, Sino-American Competition, and post-US Exit Strategies
1024 576 Ujjawal Upadhyay

This study examines China’s foreign policy toward Afghanistan in the context of Sino-American competition and the post-US exit situation. The purpose of this academic study is to demonstrate how Afghanistan,…

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Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) Losses in electricity sector refer to the difference between billing and collection of revenue.

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Kashmiri Muslim political identity in Dogra Jammu and Kashmir
1024 766 Arka Chakraborty

The formation of Kashmiri Muslim political identity in the context of Hindu Muslim relations in Dogra Jammu and Kashmir Arka Chakraborty Abstract During British colonial rule in India, Jammu and…

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