SDG 5: Gender equality

The Sustainable Development Goals identify Gender Equality as one of the priority goals under Goal number 5. In societies across cultures, gender inequal norms remain one of the major issues that impede progress with regard to overall development outcome. India alongside other South Asian, South East Asian and African countries, feature in glaring terms as observed and reported for gender unjust societal practices besides generally poor indicators related to the standard of life for majority of women in the region. Further, in societies like in India where cultures across the subcontinental space are predominantly patriarchal, cultural conditioning and community narratives of established roles of women further impede efforts at promoting equal participation of women in roles outside their families or outside of strict community norms. JKPI believes that Kashmir has a long journey ahead in terms of initiating and sustaining a gender-just way of life for all. We recognize that there is still much work to be done to raise awareness of the necessity for gender justice and equality at the local level. Additionally, we aim to initiate creative processes to advance the transformation of the community’s approach to understanding the role of women in society.

Reflection: Contextualizing the Silence of Women in Kashmir
770 433 Sohini Jana

Disclaimer: This is a personal reflection article and does not claim to be based on targeted primary data collection on the topic. My reflections stem from the conversations and stories…

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Acid throwing as one of the acts of Gender-based violence
1024 576 JK Policy Institute

Acid violence has horrendously devastated the lives of many young women. However, underreporting has belittled this graver issue. Ambreen Yousuf The World Health Organization (WHO) defines violence as the intentional…

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menstruation hygiene
Unhygienic practices during menstruation: A serious health concern
1024 538 JK Policy Institute

What is it that prevents women from openly buying sanitary pads or holding discussions about it? Well, the answer lies in how society views women’s intimate health issues. Ambreen Yousuf…

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Sexual violence against children in Jammu and Kashmir

The lack of awareness and clear guidelines on the child sexual abuse in Kashmir leads to insensitive handling of such cases that only exacerbates trauma of the victim. Writes Tehmeena Rizvi.

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Alarming rise of CSA and need of POCSO in J&K
900 675 JK Policy Institute

During lockdown, Child Sexual Abuse in the virtual world surged exponentially, even in Jammu and Kashmir. A harsher law is in place to report and take sexual offenders to task. But what do we know about POCSO?  Asks Muzamil Bashir.

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Emerging Roles and Economic Transformation of Women
750 618 JK Policy Institute

In the strife-torn region of Kashmir, women have always been at the receiving end in the world of entrepreneurship. Ambreen Yousuf highlights the struggles and the challenges.

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How are Women fighting the “Shadow Pandemic”?
1008 435 JK Policy Institute

Covid-19 has hogged headlines across the world. It came with its own challenges for the ‘fairer sex’. Ambreen Yousuf says that the repeated lockdown has exposed women to cyber-bullying, sextortion, sexting, trolling

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Kashmiri women for a shared future

The difficult Kashmir dynamics has tested the emotional resilience of women time and again. Women can do wonders if given a space and chance they deserve

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Women for Peace in Kashmir
1024 591 Sohini Jana

Women, historically the hearth-keepers, the nurturers, the relationship-managers and the embodied custodians of the rhythmic cycles of life had once been acknowledged across cultures as the force and presence animating life processes and also the ones balancing them. You would find them working diligently in the fields, in the kitchens, in the gardens, in the healing spaces; engaged in educating the young ones and creating beauty with nimble fingers etching out patterns and weaving or sewing them in.

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