Environment & Ecology

 Plastic: A threat to environmental sustainability and human well-being
1024 768 Zahoor Ahmad Dar

Technically sophisticated, cheap, and lightweight, plastic is one of the world’s most-used materials. Roland Barthes, a French intellectual in his 1957 book Mythologies quotes about plastics: “So, more than a…

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1024 608 Adeela Hameed

Tourism represents around 6% of world trade and almost 13% of the total global consumer spending. Unlike most other industries, tourism is essentially based on a good environment, and people…

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How and why ‘climate change’ has become a ‘national security’ issue of great significance
1024 719 Yashi Singh

“The world you and I live in is increasingly challenged. Population growth, pollution, over-consumption, unsustainable patterns, social conflict, climate change, loss of nature…these are not good stories.” – Jack Dangermond…

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Biopesticides for Environmental Safety and Sustainable Agriculture
750 500 Adeela Hameed

Pesticides are used in agriculture, globally, to reduce yield losses and maintain produce pre/postharvest quality by eradicating unwanted insects and controlling disease and extend its shelf-life in order to keep…

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Wildfires: Are We Still Debating Whether Climate Change is Real?
940 625 Adeela Hameed

Good intentions on paper mean nothing if not followed up with real and effective actions on the ground. These actions need to focus on forests, where the fire crisis is…

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Environmental Management is needed to address Environmental Impacts of Industries
640 360 Adeela Hameed

Due to rapid growth in emerging economies like China and India, global GDP grew by 3.8% in the last couple years. This economic growth led to a rise in global…

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Kashmir’s Karewas, Woedders, crumbling under urbanization
800 500 Adeela Hameed

Kashmir is an oval-shaped basin with a plain area of nearly 5600 kms.  The valley has large tracts of plateaus, the Karewas (one of the most valuable geomorphological assets of…

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Here is why you should consider adopting a slow lifestyle.
600 355 Adeela Hameed

Why on Earth are we trying to hurry? It is not good to be lazy or procrastinate, but what’s required is slowing down. A slower lifestyle helps calm nerves, make…

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It’s time to ask: when will Kashmir have proper waste disposal infrastructure
1024 538 Adeela Hameed

Waste generation has become a serious environmental and public health problem everywhere in the world, and disposal is as big a problem as is waste. India, alone, generates about 100,000…

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The overwhelming crisis of waste management in Kashmir
1024 461 Mukhtar Dar

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” – W.H. Auden The overuse of local natural resources has, for the last two decades in rural village settings, contributed to…

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Kitchen gardening: A culture model for environmentally sustainable food production
1024 512 Adeela Hameed

Climate change represents the greatest challenges to maintaining the sustainability of agricultural systems stressed by increasing food demands. Therefore, agrarian activities such as kitchen gardening that favour agricultural sustainability by bringing economic and environmental benefits merit further discussion.

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