Education and Skill Development

The backbone of every society is the carefully woven fabric of thought and knowledge that sustains the narrative of aspiration and potential of a community. Education and Skill Development in that context are priority investment areas for the development of the thought and knowledge nexus besides a dedicated citizenry who are at once well informed, critical, skilled and open minded to become individual and collective decision makers for the development process of the region. In Kashmir, the youth recognize and realize the increasing need to initiate peace processes through education. Only education and investment in state-of-the-art knowledge resources would ensure that future generations are well equipped to benefit from the sweeping and fast transforming career landscape of a globalised world. This section brings in the thoughts and visions of emergent voices which aim to build Kashmir’s knowledge economy as a power house and driver for sustainable change.

Integrating Vocational Skills in the Indian Education System to Create Potential Earners
1024 683 Semran Parvaiz

Introduction The Harsh Reality of a Broken System Imagine this: After spending twelve to fifteen years in school, studying diligently to pass exams, a young Indian graduate steps out into…

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REPORT: Transforming Education in Rural Communities: Lessons from Kargil
1024 1024 Khushi Amit

Background The Jammu and Kashmir Policy Institute (JKPI) hosted a special session in their Expert Talk Series titled “Transforming Education in Rural Communities: Lessons from Kargil”. The session aligns with Sustainable…

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Unemployment in J&K: Rising Challenges and the Need for Economic Transformation
1024 683 Mukhtar Dar

Introduction: The Indian economy has undergone significant transformations over the past few decades. Despite global economic challenges, the country has achieved an average growth rate of over 6%; however, unemployment…

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From White Elephants to Centers of Learning: The Need for Higher Education Reform in Kashmir
1024 663 Lavya Bhasin

Introduction Education shapes not only who we are but also what we do. It is not merely about being part of an institutionalized system; it is an ongoing process of…

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SEL in Kashmir Schools: Current Efforts, Challenges and the Way Forward
999 527 Sheeba Allie

Socio-Emotional Learning (SEL) isn’t just another buzzword gaining traction globally. It took years of research to recognise SEL as a crucial element for children’s holistic development and long-term success. Formally…

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AI in Education: The Future of Learning
600 300 Semran Parvaiz

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is no longer a distant concept; it is now a reality that is transforming the way we teach and learn. While there…

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From enrollment drops to infrastructure gaps: The state of education in J&K
1024 639 Zahoor Ahmad Dar

Education is a critical pillar of societal development and the cornerstone of human progress. It serves as a gateway to opportunity, upward mobility, and development, acting as an engine of…

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The need for food and nutrition education in schools
1024 681 Neha Aggarwal

Food is a fundamental determinant of health, accounting for approximately 60-70% of what shapes our overall well-being. It is a source of nourishment for our bodies and fuel for our…

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Learning deficit in Kashmir’s education system: Insights from ASER Reports
1024 684 Neha Aggarwal

Education stands as the cornerstone of human progress. It is a gateway to opportunity, the catalyst for innovation, and the engine driving social transformation. It is a transformative journey that…

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Disparities in access and equity: A study of higher education in J&K
640 542 Aijaz Ahmad Dar

Education serves as a cornerstone in fostering social and economic transformation within societies and nations. From empowering women to combating social marginalization, education holds significant potential in mitigating gender disparity…

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Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in India: A comprehensive overview
630 407 Neha Aggarwal

Inclusion is grounded in the fundamental human right to education for all, as enshrined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Quality inclusive education (IE) also constitutes a vital…

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The rising trend of Spot Admissions in Higher Education in Kashmir
1024 571 Zahoor Ahmad Dar

Education is a pivotal human resource that broadens human faculties and prepares an individual for life. It is a dream for those who want to excel in life. To realize…

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