
The Importance of Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth and Job Creation in Kashmir
1024 576 Fiza Farooq

For many years, Kashmir has faced various challenges that have shaped its economy and society. Despite these difficulties, entrepreneurship has emerged as a promising solution, offering a way to revive…

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How can intervening states ensure lasting peace in post-conflict nations?
1024 683 Haneen Farid

Disclaimer: This commentary reflects on a philosophical debate in international relations and does not seek to advocate for or align with colonialist perspectives. Nations are often at their most vulnerable…

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Kashmir’s Vulnerability to GLOFs
1024 697 Zahoor Ahmad Dar

The year 2023 was recorded as the hottest in the past 173 years. To assess the impact, the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Risks Report 2024 identified climate change as…

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Are experts a better alternative than democratic representatives?
602 402 Haneen Farid

Disclaimer: This commentary is inspired by a debate in political philosophy, and references Kashmir to make arguments more contextually relevant. It is not intended to advocate for replacing democracy-in whatever…

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Accelerating SDG Implementations: Why Youth Engagement is No Longer Optional
1024 464 Sheeba Allie

Introduction  In 2015, the UN General Assembly passed resolution 70/1, titled ‘Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ – a plan of action to achieve 17 Sustainable Development…

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The Role of Green Politics in Jammu and Kashmir
600 394 Tuba Naquib

India is confronting increasingly extreme and frequent weather patterns, underscoring that climate change is no longer a distant issue but an urgent crisis demanding immediate action. This scenario raises critical…

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The Impact of Walnut Husk Extraction on Kashmir’s Aquatic Biodiversity
1024 683 Parvaiz Yousuf

The Kashmir Valley is a major producer of a variety of agricultural products, including saffron, apples, almonds, peaches, and more. Among these, walnuts are produced in large quantities. However, cultivating…

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J&K Assembly Elections: The Impact and Importance of Election Manifestos
912 635 Semran Parvaiz

As Jammu and Kashmir gears up for its Legislative Assembly elections, manifestos are set to play a pivotal role. These elections, to be held in three phases from September 18…

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Bringing Pastoralists into Focus: The First-Ever Pastoral Livestock Census in India
640 357 Smruti Smita Mohapatra

Introduction The Livestock Census is the main data source for properly planning and formulating Livestock Welfare Programmes. This brings further improvements to India’s animal husbandry sector. The Livestock Census usually…

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From Production to Pollution: The Escalating Global Plastic Waste Crisis
1024 576 Zahoor Ahmad Dar

Pollution from plastics has become a serious global crisis, posing an unprecedented threat to marine life, human health, and the environment. While plastics serve numerous purposes, their indiscriminate use and…

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The Rise of Cyber Violence Against Women and Its Implications
1024 683 Saurabh Kumar

In the digital age, the internet has become integral to life, offering immense opportunities and challenges. Unambiguously, no one can deny the importance of the Internet and the opportunities it…

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From enrollment drops to infrastructure gaps: The state of education in J&K
1024 639 Zahoor Ahmad Dar

Education is a critical pillar of societal development and the cornerstone of human progress. It serves as a gateway to opportunity, upward mobility, and development, acting as an engine of…

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