Adeela Hameed


Adeela Hameed

Adeela Hameed is a writer and Fellow – Himalayan Journalists Collective Against Climate Change. She has worked with organisations like The Global Times, Scribblers, and Kashmir Leader. She is a guest contributor for the wildlife magazine, Saevus, and ecotech website, Green Clean Guide. Adeela is a member of the writer’s community, WissenMonk, and the Editor of their monthly magazine – Wisdom Quest. She works for environmental conservation and social sustainability.

Water Scarcity and Kashmir’s Freshwater Springs
527 328 Adeela Hameed

Groundwater is an incredibly precious resource, to the extent of being titled the ‘survival lifeline of civilizations’. This is true because of a number of facts. The first is that…

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Climate Change and Natural Disasters in South Asia 
1 1 Adeela Hameed

Natural disasters are on the rise worldwide. There are more and more intense natural disasters – determined to cause at least 100 deaths or to affect the basic survival needs…

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1024 608 Adeela Hameed

Tourism represents around 6% of world trade and almost 13% of the total global consumer spending. Unlike most other industries, tourism is essentially based on a good environment, and people…

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Biopesticides for Environmental Safety and Sustainable Agriculture
750 500 Adeela Hameed

Pesticides are used in agriculture, globally, to reduce yield losses and maintain produce pre/postharvest quality by eradicating unwanted insects and controlling disease and extend its shelf-life in order to keep…

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Here is why you should consider adopting a slow lifestyle.
600 355 Adeela Hameed

Why on Earth are we trying to hurry? It is not good to be lazy or procrastinate, but what’s required is slowing down. A slower lifestyle helps calm nerves, make…

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