J&K Assembly Elections: The Impact and Importance of Election Manifestos

912 635 Semran Parvaiz

As Jammu and Kashmir gears up for its Legislative Assembly elections, manifestos are set to play a pivotal role. These elections, to be held in three phases from September 18 to October 1, 2024, will elect 90 members to the Assembly. In this process, manifestos are more than mere campaign tools; they serve as comprehensive blueprints, detailing the promises, policies, and objectives of each political party. They act as strategic roadmaps, outlining how parties plan to navigate the region’s complex issues and work toward progress.

Given Jammu and Kashmir’s distinct socio-political context, manifestos carry added weight. The region’s unique history, coupled with ongoing efforts toward stability and development, makes these documents instrumental in shaping public perception and guiding political discourse. Voters here have experienced a fluctuating political environment, and manifestos offer a chance to signal change and renewal.

Beyond a list of pledges, manifestos are critical in building a connection between political parties and the electorate. They address key concerns such as unemployment, healthcare, education, and regional autonomy, providing voters with a tangible sense of what each party stands for. In a region where political trust is fragile, manifestos serve as a vehicle for parties to demonstrate accountability and restore voter confidence, potentially influencing the election’s outcome.

Context of the Upcoming Elections in Jammu and Kashmir

The upcoming Legislative Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir hold significant importance, as they will be the first since the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019, which altered the region’s political status. These elections are not merely routine; they are viewed as a crucial step toward re-establishing local governance and restoring a sense of normalcy in a region that has endured years of political and social upheaval. The return of legislative elections offers the people of Jammu and Kashmir the opportunity to actively participate in shaping their governance and influencing policies that directly affect their lives.

In this context, party manifestos will be pivotal in outlining visions for the region’s future. These manifestos will address pressing issues such as economic development, security, education, and governance reforms. Given the challenges facing the region—ranging from economic stagnation and security concerns to the need for enhanced public services—voters are expected to scrutinize party promises closely.

Moreover, manifestos provide a platform for political parties to demonstrate their commitment to Jammu and Kashmir’s diverse population by addressing the needs of various communities. Offering targeted solutions and inclusive policies will be essential to bridging social divides and fostering unity. As Jammu and Kashmir approaches these historic elections, manifestos will play a crucial role in shaping voter preferences and setting the tone for the region’s political trajectory. This highlights the growing importance of effective governance and delivering on promises to create a stable and prosperous future for all its people.

The Role and Significance of Election Manifestos

Election manifestos play a crucial role in the democratic process, serving as more than just vehicles for campaign promises. These detailed documents outline what a political party plans to achieve if elected, providing voters with a clear understanding of its vision and goals. In Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), manifestos carry heightened significance due to the region’s unique political, social, and economic challenges. Here’s why they are so important:

Manifestos Shape Voter Expectations

Manifestos give voters a clear sense of what each party represents and what they plan to accomplish if given the mandate. They address key issues such as employment, healthcare, education, and infrastructure—areas of critical concern to the people of J&K. By listing specific proposals and policies, manifestos empower voters to make informed decisions. They serve as a roadmap, demonstrating how parties intend to address the region’s most pressing problems. In J&K, where local issues are often complex and deeply rooted, this clarity is essential to voters eager for solutions.

Manifestos Have a Psychological Impact and Rebuild Trust

Trust in politics has been historically fragile in J&K, due to past unrest and unmet promises. Manifestos have the potential to restore this trust by providing transparent and realistic plans. When parties offer well-defined and achievable proposals, it fosters a sense of credibility and accountability. This psychological aspect is important, as it reassures voters that their concerns are being addressed in a meaningful way. Manifestos, in this sense, help establish a bond of trust between political parties and the electorate, which is crucial for garnering support and encouraging democratic participation.

Manifestos Promote Accountability

Manifestos are not only campaign tools but also serve as instruments of accountability. They provide a benchmark for voters, the media, and civil society to assess a party’s performance once in power. In J&K, where the actions of the government are often scrutinized for consistency and follow-through, manifestos serve as a reference point for evaluating whether a party has delivered on its promises. This element of accountability is essential to maintaining the integrity of the democratic process, allowing citizens to hold their leaders responsible for their commitments.

Manifestos Influence Policy-Making

Beyond influencing voter choices, manifestos also shape governance and legislative priorities. They set clear policy objectives that guide the direction of government actions once a party is elected. In J&K, where there is a strong need for targeted interventions in areas such as economic development, social inclusion, and security, manifestos can steer policymaking. For example, if a manifesto emphasizes youth employment or healthcare improvements, these areas are more likely to receive government attention and resources. This direct impact on policy ensures that the voices of voters are not only heard during the election but also reflected in the government’s subsequent actions.

Supreme Court’s Stance on Election Manifestos

The Supreme Court of India has provided clarity on the role and limits of election manifestos, particularly regarding the promises made by political parties. In a key ruling, the Court stated that promises in manifestos are not classified as “corrupt practices” under the Representation of the People Act, which governs electoral conduct in India. This means that even if political promises seem overly generous or unrealistic, they do not necessarily violate electoral laws. However, the Court has raised concerns about the potential harm such promises might pose to the democratic process.

The Supreme Court has previously expressed concerns about the impact of offering “freebies,” such as goods or services provided at no cost to voters. These types of promises can distort the electoral process by influencing voter behavior based on short-term gains rather than long-term policy considerations. While the Court has acknowledged that offering benefits is not illegal, it has warned that financially unsustainable or impractical promises can damage economic governance. If implemented, such promises could strain government finances, leading to governance challenges and negatively affecting public welfare after the elections.

To safeguard the integrity of elections, the Supreme Court has affirmed that the Election Commission of India has the authority to issue guidelines on the framing of manifestos. The Court has emphasized that the Election Commission should consult with political parties when formulating these guidelines to ensure that they are fair, transparent, and uphold democratic values. These guidelines aim to encourage political parties to act responsibly when making electoral promises and to avoid commitments that could mislead voters or result in long-term economic consequences. The Election Commission, with the support of the Supreme Court, strives to balance political freedom with the need for responsible governance.

Challenges in Fulfilling Manifesto Promises

One of the major issues with election manifestos is the frequent gap between what is promised and what is actually delivered, often resulting in voter dissatisfaction and a loss of trust in the political system. Many promises outlined in manifestos remain unfulfilled or are only partially implemented once a party assumes power. This challenge is particularly pronounced in regions like Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), where the complex political landscape and high public expectations place additional pressure on parties to follow through on their commitments.

Several factors contribute to the failure of political parties to deliver on their manifesto promises. A primary reason is financial constraints. The resources required to execute large-scale projects or social programs promised during campaigns are often unavailable once a party takes office. Political opposition and administrative roadblocks can further delay or prevent the fulfilment of these promises. For instance, a party may pledge new infrastructure or expanded welfare benefits, but such initiatives can be hindered by budget limitations, bureaucratic inefficiencies, or resistance from other political groups.

Additionally, shifting priorities after elections can lead to broken promises. Once in power, parties may face unforeseen challenges that demand immediate attention, causing them to divert resources away from their original campaign pledges. This disconnect between pre-election promises and post-election realities is common in many democracies, not just in J&K. Manifestos often present ambitious plans that clash with the practicalities of governing, resulting in unmet expectations and disillusioned voters.

In Jammu and Kashmir, these challenges are compounded by unique factors such as security concerns, economic instability, and ongoing political unrest. These complexities make it even harder for parties to fulfil their commitments, as they must navigate a highly dynamic and volatile environment. Despite these obstacles, manifestos remain a critical part of the election process, offering a vision for the future and serving as a benchmark for accountability. Voters are encouraged to critically evaluate manifestos, considering not only the promises made but also the feasibility of their implementation, to make more informed choices at the ballot box.


Election manifestos play a crucial role in democratic systems, providing both guidance to voters and a means to hold politicians accountable. In Jammu and Kashmir, where the upcoming Legislative Assembly elections are of great significance, manifestos will have a particularly important impact. These documents shape voter perceptions and influence the direction of governance after the elections. While the promises made in manifestos are not legally binding, they hold substantial weight in the eyes of the public and can heavily influence government policy.

The true value of a manifesto lies not just in the promises it makes, but in how many of those promises are fulfilled. As J&K approaches the elections, voters will carefully examine these manifestos, seeking genuine commitments that address their concerns and lead to stability and development. By understanding both the importance of manifestos and the challenges of delivering on political promises, voters can make more informed decisions. This, in turn, strengthens the democratic process in the region and helps ensure more responsive and effective governance.







Semran Parvaiz

Semran Parvaiz is an accomplished full-time science writer with over four years of experience. Her work has been featured in several prestigious magazines and scientific journals globally. Semran possesses complete SEO knowledge and has written hundreds of SEO articles for numerous global sites. Currently, she is a key contributor at the Jammu & Kashmir Policy Institute (JKPI), where she has been making an impact for more than a year. Alongside her professional pursuits, she is advancing her academic career with a master's in Environmental Science and Management from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Her passion for scientific topics drives her to continually explore and communicate complex ideas with clarity and precision.


Semran Parvaiz

Semran Parvaiz is an accomplished full-time science writer with over four years of experience. Her work has been featured in several prestigious magazines and scientific journals globally. Semran possesses complete SEO knowledge and has written hundreds of SEO articles for numerous global sites. Currently, she is a key contributor at the Jammu & Kashmir Policy Institute (JKPI), where she has been making an impact for more than a year. Alongside her professional pursuits, she is advancing her academic career with a master's in Environmental Science and Management from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Her passion for scientific topics drives her to continually explore and communicate complex ideas with clarity and precision.

More work by: Semran Parvaiz

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